About Soapbx Engage

Soapbx Engage became a commitment in early days of pandemic and the months leading to and post 2020 United States presidential elections. United States has become polarized for a range of economic, political, social and cultural reasons. Over the last few decades our great democracy has gradullay morphed into an Anocracy. Misinformation, disinformation, fake news, and lies spread at the speed of social media and improperly or maliciously impact views, opinions and perspectives of the American public. The fast advancing AI capabilities will push our institutions to their limit and impact all aspects of our lives including elections at all levels; here and around the world. 

Soapbx Engage aims to provide the public with validated data, statistics, and facts; to help communities and voters get unbiased perspectives, elect wisely, and help amplify individual and community voices in the processes leading to positive change in maters of public interest including elections and voting. The old addage that freedom is not free is truer than ever. Soapbx Engage in not a news, advocacy or activist organization but a Civic Platform in the service of the Public and for Social, Research, and Academic institutions with validated, analytical and statistical data that accurately reflect the issues, trends, opinions and performance of candidates running for public office and institutions. Soapbx will publish members’ input as well as educational and informational material from credible and validated sources to help more insightful decisions about the process and contexts leading to social change and impact. SE is not left, right or center; but your voice amplified in the service of democratic values rooted in the Constitution.